Monday, June 14, 2010

North Korea's Rooney More Like Beckham

He plays like Rooney but behaves more like Beckham. He loves his cars, his rap music and his clothes, and changes hairstyles more often than you can say "Kim Jong Il". North Korea striker Jong Tae Se is not your average North Korean.

Born and raised in Japan, the 26-year-old forward has never lived in communist North Korea, and says he has no plans to. He loves to shop, snowboard and dreams of marrying Korea's Posh Spice - none of which would be possible in the impoverished North, one of the most isolated countries in the world.

But he wears the Democratic People's Republic of Korea jersey with pride, and is moved to tears when he hears the country's anthem. The boy from Nagoya could become North Korea's biggest international soccer star since Pak Doo Ik scored the goal that knocked Italy out of the World Cup in 1966.

"He is Japanese but isn't a Japanese, he is Korean but is playing on the North Korean squad, he is a North Korean national but lives in Japan - all these things are very difficult for the world to understand," Shin Mu Koeng, a friend and his biographer, said Tuesday from Tokyo.

North Korea is back in the World Cup for the first time in 44 years. They were the mystery team in 1966, and they're the mystery team in 2010. Very little is known about the team from North Korea, sheltered players mostly in their early 20s with limited international experience.

Jong, witty and personable, with a dazzling smile, cheeky personality and talent for making goals, gives lowest-ranked North Korea a bit of star power as they face teams from Brazil, Portugal and Ivory Coast stacked with big names.

Jong is quickly becoming his team's biggest personality and most powerful asset, setting himself apart on and off the field, from his fashion sense to his playing style.

On the pitch, Jong is fast and aggressive, North Korea's leading scorer with 16 goals in 24 international matches. His impressive play earned him comparisons to England's Wayne Rooney among South Korean media.

Bizarre answers at North Korea press conference

He collects sneakers and considers himself a bit of a fashion hound. Last Wednesday, he was sporting gelled hair. By Thursday he had shaved it all off. And he's not shy about admitting that he cried like a baby watching South Korea's most famous soap opera, "Winter Sonata".

This is how he sees himself in five years: driving a car worthy of a rap star, with a pop star like one of the singers from the Wonder Girls - South Korea's version of the Spice Girls - on his arm, and playing for a big-name club in Europe.

Born in Nagoya to an ethnic Korean family, Jong inherited his father's South Korean citizenship but was raised and schooled in his mother's pro-North Korean community.

He is among Japan's nearly 600,000 "zainichi", ethnic Koreans who live in Japan as long-term residents, many of them third- and fourth-generation descendants of labourers or conscripts who have lived there since Japan's 1910-45 colonial rule of Korea.

Their first language may be Japanese, but Jong and midfielder An Yong Hak were raised within the zainichi community, attending Korean-language schools and pledging allegiance to North Korea founder Kim Il Sung and current leader Kim Jong Il.

Still, Jong's zainichi background sets him apart. He says he never travels without his iPod, laptop and Nintendo, much to the curiosity of teammates from a country with only one state-run TV channel where such luxuries are reserved for top officials.

Their games are simple: rock, scissors and paper are enough to send them into fits of shouts and laughter, he says. Teammates flock to his room during overseas matches, asking to listen to his music, play Super Mario, borrow his books or fluorescent Nike running shoes and hear about life in the J-League - including how much money he makes.

But Jong has said he admires his North Korean teammates' passion for football, and noted that they are largely indifferent to money and materialism.

"He had many doubts, but as he trained with the North Korean players, he saw their pureness," said Shin, whose biography about Jong was released in South Korea and Japan. "They never complained about the inadequacies and they did their absolute best."

"They were playing for their team and for victory, nothing else."

Jong is also well aware of the controversies surrounding North Korea, which remains locked in a stand-off with the international community over its nuclear program and has been hauled before the UN Security Council on accusations of sinking a South Korean warship in March.

Don't expect him to move anytime soon to Pyongyang.

"My homeland is not Japan. There's another country in Japan, called Zainichi," he says. "None of these countries - South Korea, North Korea and Japan - can be my home country, because I'm a zainichi and therefore Zainichi is my native land.

"And I think that's the purpose of my life - letting the world know of the zainichi existence."

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